I’m amazed how exams can affect my sleep schedule and stress levels. I had my midterm tests last week and I realized just how much time is needed to prepare for them as there are other quizzes and assignments due the same week. I used to be a last-minute person back in my preparatory college but I found out that it doesn’t work here now. Nothing goes into my head when I’m tired and sleepy. My sleeping schedule is topsy-turvy; I either sleep from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. or 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. I have been experimenting to see which style suits me best. It was not easy at all as the cool temperature makes me turn off the alarm and go back to sleep.
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Image obtained from http://labs.ee.psu.edu/courses/ee458/exam-med.jpg |
So What?
I have a goal of reaching certain GPAs and I am trying as hard as I can without ruining my health. I can still remember how I was struggling to answer the fill-in-the-blanks question for my Introduction to Food Science and Technology exam 2 weeks ago (my first ever exam in Tech). I underestimated the Koofers and thought it will be easy. The same thing goes for my Horticulture Science and Industry exam last week, it was easy until I realized I read the wrong topics and could not answer a few questions. Thank goodness I could hear my professor’s voice ringing at the back of my head, which proves that I paid attention in class. I made a few guesses but some of them were still wrong. The Global Forest Resource Sustainability exam was not too bad because it was an open book; I still had to make guesses though. Luckily, the results were not too bad. Moral of the story, study harder and pay more attention to certain things that might be too teeny-weeny to remember. As for my MATH 1526, I need to put more time and effort into it. Exam 2 is due this Tuesday and I haven’t prepared anything for it. I have made mistakes in my past quizzes and that was because I have been revising them last-minute for the past few weeks. I need to do something about it stat. The last thing I need is math ruining my GPA.
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Image obtained from http://shipmanlibrary.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/cram.jpg |
Now What?
The next exams are catching up real quick. They love giving me butterflies that not only fly but jump as well. My stress levels just peaked. My current strategy is to get enough sleep and pay attention in class instead of feeling sleepy in most of my classes. Since I know the instructors’ exam styles, I can be more prepared when the time comes. I definitely need to manage my time well as the procrastination virus in my system attacks during weekends when I should be most productive.
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Image obtained from http://www.pittsburgrotary.org/22373203_thb.jpg |
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